Saturday, November 15, 2008

New Blogger and Halloween Pics

A day in the life of 5 kids. You learn to multi-task, here I'm
feeding a baby, doing Halloween makeup and hair, and entertaining guests!
Hi all, I'm new to the bloggy world so you'll have to bear with me and my posts. If you're a follower of the parentshack webpage I have (, you'll be happy to hear that once my subscription is up with them you can find us here in blogger instead. Because of that, you might want to add your email address in the comments so that I can add you to my faves. I should apologize ahead of time if your'e not a regular follower and you are somewhat disgusted with the Halloween decor. My husband's favorite holiday (if you even consider it a holiday) is Halloween. He's completely obsessed. Hence the zombies in the yard!
I've come to realize from reading other blogs that blogger has some benefits over parentshack like faster uploaded pics which means more frequent posts, and the best part is... it's free! And when you're a mom of 5, anything free is welcomed! With that said and as an introduction to my first blog post, here are a few Halloween pics. Enjoy, especially those of you who have been bugging, I mean asking, to see them . Thanks for following! P.S.- the pics are courtesy of my amazing friend/photographer/neighbor. Check out her website if you'd like ( Thanks again, Angel!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, so I am finally leaving a comment! I remembered my login info :) It was so much fun hanging with you guys on Halloween!
